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project management

project management is the discipline of planning, organizing, and managing resources to bring about the successful completion of specific project goals and objectives. a project is a finite endeavor�having specific start and completion dates�undertaken to create a unique product or service which brings about beneficial change or added value. this finite characteristic of projects stands in sharp contrast to processes, or operations, which are permanent or semi-permanent functional work to repetitively produce the same product or service. in practice, the management of these two systems is often found to be quite different, and as such requires the development of distinct technical skills and the adoption of separate management philosophy, which is the subject of this article. the primary challenge of project management is to achieve all of the project goals and objectives while adhering to classic project constraints�usually scope, quality, time and budget. the secondary�and more ambitious�challenge is to optimize the allocation and integration of inputs necessary to meet pre-defined objectives. a project is a carefully defined set of activities that use resources (money, people, materials, energy, space, provisions, communication, motivation, etc.) to achieve the project goals and objectives. wiki project management 0 34 business sponsors

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project control systems

project control is that element of a project that keeps it on-track, on-time, and within budget. project control begins early in the project with planning and ends late in the project with post-implementation review, having a thorough involvement of each step in the process. each project should be assessed for the appropriate level of control needed: too much control is too time consuming, too little control is very risky. if project control is not implemented correctly, the cost to the business should be clarified in terms of errors, fixes, and additional audit fees. control systems are needed for cost, risk, quality, communication, time, change, procurement, and human resources. in addition, auditors should consider how important the projects are to the financial statements, how reliant the stakeholders are on controls, and how many controls exist. auditors should review the development process and procedures for how they are implemented. the process of development and the quality of the final product may also be assessed if needed or requested. a business may want the auditing firm to be involved throughout the process to catch problems earlier on so that they can be fixed more easily. an auditor can serve as a controls consultant as part of the development team or as an independent auditor as part of an audit. wiki project control systems casino project management
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